Become a Member

We need your help to demand better public transport!

Membership of Get Glasgow Moving is open to any individual who supports the campaign’s objectives (as defined in our constitution) or to affiliate organisations.

As a member you will make a crucial contribution to the campaign’s success.

You will have access to our online members’ forum to contribute your ideas and experiences. You will be invited to members’ meetings to vote on key decisions, and can become more actively involved by joining our Management Committee.

Your membership fees will provide vital funding for campaign activities and materials.

The minimum annual subscription is £1, which can be paid by Standing Order / BACs Transfer, Cheque or Cash at our AGM. However, we recommend that you use this online form to set up a monthly Direct Debit for whatever you can afford.

We need your help to demand better public transport! Please join Get Glasgow Moving today.

Suggested price: £5.00

Due every month
